Fedora 8814au Kernel Module Compilation

For my wireless card, the Alfa AC1900, I had to compile the module to get it to work on Linux since it wasn’t already part of the kernel.

To do this you will need:

  1. make and gcc or clang
  2. kernel-debug-devel package
  3. sudo permission to insmod the compiled module

This1 is the only one I found that worked for me on the latest stable linux kernel, which as of today on Fedora is 5.17.6.

First you need to install the kernel development header package.

# Fedora
sudo dnf install kernel-debug-devel

# Ubuntu
sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)


Next you need to make the module.

git clone https://github.com/morrownr/8814au.git
cd 8814au

Now simply make the module using the make command and use insmod to load it.

make -j16
sudo sh -c "modprobe cfg80211; insmod /home/codebam/8814au/8814au.ko"

If everything worked successfully, you should now have a loaded 8814au module that you can use along with your wireless card to connect to WiFi.